Vision Statement 

SPEAK wisdom and knowledge into the hearts and minds of young women. BE positive role models in our public and private lives. DO good things for ourselves, our family, and our community.


"Beautiful's Truth" by EMichele Paul


What is G.I.R.L?

Gifted- Having exceptional talent, intelligence, or natural ability. Every woman has a gift whether they are aware of it or not. It could be the gift of song, poetry, art, encouragement, leadership, friendship, or cooking. If you have a gift, it is your responsibility to use it for the good of others.

Intelligent - Having the capacity to acquire and apply knowledge. The faculty of thought and reasoning. An education is the key that will unlock many doors for us throughout our lifetime. Doing your best  and excelling in school shows that you are able to make and keep a commitment to yourself and your community.
Resilient - Capable of returning to an original shape or form. We have all had adversities or obstacles in our lives. Our strength lies not in who we were before our trial but rather after it. We should be stronger, wiser, and more dedicated to our purpose and after we have passed our test, we must educate and encourage others who are going through their trials.
Loving - Being able to show a deep, tender feeling of affection towards someone or something. We are loving by nature. We must love like we would like to be loved, without condition.


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