Garden of My Heart by Tabbatha Barns

June 3, 2012
Shame to be me if I do not speak.
Shame to be you if you don't listen true.
As I pour out my heart, I hope that you'll start,
To understand what I'm feeling,
And I can start healing.
Listen closely to my words,
And I'll tell you my hurts.
There's a door deep inside of me,
It holds my nightmares and dreams.
I can give you the key,
But it won't all be pretty.
In the garden of my heart,
Is where you must start,
To truly know me,
And understand who I am.
Here I hold the key,
Take it if you can.

Self Love by Greta Reid-Young

May 26, 2012

I just won’t let

any tears I cry

Flow into an ocean of deep regret

My wishes and dreams

I won’t let you steal

Won’t let anyone’s lies change how I feel


I’m lovin’ me

From my nappy hair to my stubby pinky toes

God knows

That I am beautiful


And out

I’m a work of art

With a soul so free

I can soar on angel wings

You see

God has put so many things in my cup

That you can’t let me down

Cause I don’t need you

To lift me up.

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